Saturday, March 10, 2007

Well; its time to find a project that will keep me busy for a while. I have two more blankets to complete for the blankets for babies project our agency it doing. I am going to be starting a 100 wishes quilt for my daughter. I am joining the yahoo group for this project, and start collecting my squares. I am researching quilt blocks and getting my project in order in my mind. I wil only be doing the top, and will send it to Lee grandmother to do the quiting. I will post pictures as I go.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Today I talked to Our Social Worker and she will sign our medical checklist tomorrow and fax it to our agency. I hope this brings me some piece of mind and help me to relax a little more. I am so anxious right now.

Christmas pictures


Lets Dance




our family

gottcha day

gottcha day

ethan on the red couch

ethan on the red couch

100 wishes quilt

I finally started sewing my squares together. Here is a picture of my first block

First quilt block

First quilt block