Saturday, November 22, 2008

Christmas pictures

We had these done at sears today. All the kids did a great job.
Thanks for looking

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I am not a writer, but wanted to update a little. Ethan is great. He is so funny. He loves to dance and sing, make funny faces and steal your chair. He is quite the little clown.
He had his Eval for early steps and will be getting speech therapy. He will start preschool sometime in January.
He got his first Ear infection this week, but is getting better.
Its hard to beleive he will be three is just a month or so.

Christmas pictures


Lets Dance




our family

gottcha day

gottcha day

ethan on the red couch

ethan on the red couch

100 wishes quilt

I finally started sewing my squares together. Here is a picture of my first block

First quilt block

First quilt block