Thursday, May 31, 2007

We have PA already

I know I havent posted in a while, but we sent our LOI (Letter of intent) on 5/15/07 for Ethan, and received our PA (Preapproval) on 5/25/07. Now we wait for our LOA (letter of acceptance) and TA (Travel Assignment) then we will be traveling to get our son.
We are leaving on vacation on 6/4/07 and will be fling out west for a couple of weeks. We will also be visiting our agency while we are in Denver and attending their annual open house and picnic. It will be nice to meet the staff and other adoptive parents that have already brought thier children home or are waiting like we are.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

our son has arrived. yup a son.

All this time we though our daughter was waiting for us in china, but it turns out we had a son looking for our family. He is 17 mo old and is in Dongguan SWI in Guangdong Province.

Christmas pictures


Lets Dance




our family

gottcha day

gottcha day

ethan on the red couch

ethan on the red couch

100 wishes quilt

I finally started sewing my squares together. Here is a picture of my first block

First quilt block

First quilt block