Monday, July 30, 2007

Travel update

We have a confirmed Consulate appointment.
here is our travel so far
Leave 8/30/07
gottcha date 9/3/07
consulate appointment 9/12/07
leave china 9/14/07
Home 9/15 07
Wow I cant beleive its finally happening. Ethan here We come

Friday, July 27, 2007

China Here We Come

Our agency called today, and we will be leaving August 30th for china to pick up Ethan. I am so excited. I wish we could travel sooner, but we cant with the kids starting school on the 20th. Hang on Baby we're coming.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Chinese Legend

An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Our LOA has arrived. We received it today via fed-x, signed it and had it back in the mail within a few hours. CCAI should have it in thier hands by 3 o'clock Wendsday. Yahhh Hoooo One more step closer to bringing Ethan Home.

Monday, July 2, 2007

CCAI Reunion

CCAI Reunion Picnic

This year while on vacation we had the pleasure of attending the annual CCAI picnic.
Even though we didnt know anyone we had a wonderful time, and enjoyed meeting the staff and China Reps. here are a few pictures we took

Sunday, July 1, 2007


We go to China
For a child
A daughter
We are deeply disturbed at the vastness of girls
We love each of these girls
Even as we are grateful to adopt just one
And we are proud to teach them about
Girl power
We want to right the balance
We want our girls to know they are not a second choice
We want to raise them to be powerful
And many of us believe
That boys in China are Little Emperors
Loved beyond belief
Many are.
And yet
Should you have the great privilege of visiting an orphanage
You will see boys
And not just a few
Many, many boys
Who perhaps were a second child
But, in all sad reality,
Were probably abandoned because of some special need
Cleft lip, cleft palate
Heart disease
Club feet or vision problems
Issues that, in the states,
Are treatable or at least manageable
Issues that, in the states,
Would not define them or their lives
And they wait.
They wait for a home
A family
A chance
Maybe you weren't thinking of
A boy
Maybe you weren't thinking
Special needs
Maybe you were envisioning
Your fairy tale
And you should never apologize
For that
We all have our fairy tale
We all have our vision
We all have our dreams
But so do these children
Be they girls, abdicated to a less than status
By the power of culture and tradition
Be they boys, left to live in an orphanage
Left without the same opportunities
As their parented peers
When I first dreamed of parenthood
It wasn't to an adopted child
I dreamed of pregnancy
Of womanhood
Of giving life
I grieved the loss of that first dream
And yet
The second dream was not
Second best.
Instead of giving birth to a child
I gave birth
To me
I became a mother
When I began to love
I became a mother
When I began to whisper sweet goodbyes
To the dreams that seemed important
So I could listen to dreams
That would not wait
So today,
I ask you to consider a boy
Consider a special need
Consider that you might be
More than what you ever thought
We adopted our daughter
As a non-special- needs child
And her needs are vast
And global
And tiring
And rewarding
We adopted through the traditional program
Because we couldn't handle special needs
Luckily, God knew better
And now,
The couple who couldn't handle special needs
Has become a family who can handle
Whatever comes its way.
Including a boy.
A boy with special needs
Who has captured our hearts,
Intrigued our minds,
And blessed our days already.
And so I ask you again,
Consider a boy.
Consider that you might be
More than what you ever thought.

Just consider.

Christmas pictures


Lets Dance




our family

gottcha day

gottcha day

ethan on the red couch

ethan on the red couch

100 wishes quilt

I finally started sewing my squares together. Here is a picture of my first block

First quilt block

First quilt block