Monday, July 30, 2007

Travel update

We have a confirmed Consulate appointment.
here is our travel so far
Leave 8/30/07
gottcha date 9/3/07
consulate appointment 9/12/07
leave china 9/14/07
Home 9/15 07
Wow I cant beleive its finally happening. Ethan here We come


Christian & Heather said...

I remember seeing Ethan on the list and thinking how precious he is. You, of course, beat us to him. I have been following your timeline and will be following your website closely. I hope August flies by for you and Congratulations!!!!

"M2" said...

I'll be watching too.
again, Congratulations!!!!
xxx, M

The Shoemakers said...

Yea! Now you can really start packing and help me figure out how you are getting everything into your suitcases. Oops, didn't mean to make this all about me ;)
Going to get Ethan's buddy, Jack, in 15 days ...

Christmas pictures


Lets Dance




our family

gottcha day

gottcha day

ethan on the red couch

ethan on the red couch

100 wishes quilt

I finally started sewing my squares together. Here is a picture of my first block

First quilt block

First quilt block